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Additional Group/Business Details


This article relates to both the TM2 and TM3 versions of the desktop software.

Within this guide, it will show you how to configure the additional details for a group record within TM2 including the following;

  • Notes
  • Notifications
  • Treatment Authorisations


You are able to add Notes to a group account within TM2. To do this

  1. Click on the Notes tab at the bottom of the group record
  2. Press the 'Add' button on the Information Screen

  3. Add a Title and Information to the Create Note screen

  4. Press Create

You are also able to lock the note to specific users or locations. To do this

  1. Within the Note, you will see a Locking option to the right
  2. Choose a Locking Option
    • Don't Lock - Sets no Lock on the note
    • To Me - Locks the note to your own username
    • To This Location - Locks the note to anyone at the current location
    • To This Role - Locks the note to anyone on your permission level
  3. Press Create

You can also set an alert on the note that will alert you when you open the group record. To do this

  1. Within the Note, you will see an Alert button
  2. Check the Alert button
  3. Press Create


You are able to set Notifications on a group; allowing you to receive email notifications when specific actions are performed. To do this

  1. Go to Group Details - Notifications Email
  2. Add an email address you would like notifications to be sent to.

  3. Click on Notifications tab

  4. Check the Notifications you would like to receive
  5. Press Update

Treatment Authorisations

You are able to set a group to make use of Treatment Authorisations. To do this

  1. Click on the Treatment Authorisations tab at the bottom of the group record
  2. Check the Use Treatment Authorisation
  3. Press Update

You can further customise how the Group handles Treatment Authorisations. These options include

  1. Cancellations affect remaining Authorisation total
    • Any cancellations will deduct a treatment from the treatment authorisation
  2. DNAs affect remaining Authorisation total
    • Any DNAs will deduct a treatment from the treatment authorisation
  3. Auto-Generate sequential Treatment Authorisations
    • This will assign the treatment authorisation a sequential numbering format
  4. Default Number of Treatments on Treatment Authorisation Creation
    • This will set the group to automatically choose a default amount of treatment authorisations