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Invoices Overview


This article relates to both the TM2 and TM3 versions of the desktop software


Please be aware only System Administrators, Financial Practice Admins, Financial Power Users can access the Finances tab

The Invoices section will allow you to use many different search fields to help you locate invoices efficiently whether they have been fully paid, part paid, unpaid or written off. Invoice Search is at the top of the invoice section. From here users can search for invoice/s; to search for an invoice, populate one of the search fields and press the Search button. To quickly remove the data you have entered into the search fields, click the Clear button.

There are different search parameters users can use:

  • Reference - this is the unique number every new invoice is assigned when they are created in TM2. Reference numbers are added in order i.e. the first invoice added will be number 1 and the second will be 2 etc. If a user searched for reference number 11, TM2 will return the invoice that has the reference number 11 assigned to it.
  • Status - when a user clicks on status it will open a drop-down allowing the user to filter by the current status of the invoice. There are 5 statuses to choose from: All, Written Off, Unpaid, Part Paid and Paid. If nothing is selected it will show all invoices. Using this field is a good way to find all invoices that are not reconciled.
  • Date - these fields allow a user to enter a date range. Depending on the date range entered it will show all invoices created on or between the entered dates.
  • Due - similar to the date field if a date range is put into these parameters is will show all invoices that are due to be paid on or between these dates.
  • Amount - this field will allow the user to enter a certain amount and return invoices that total to or between the amount entered.
  • Addressed To - this field allows a user to enter an address that the invoice is being sent to. This can either be a group's address or a patient's address.
  • Location - when a user clicks on the locations field it will open a drop-down allowing the user to filter by location. If no location or All my locations is selected it will show invoices for all locations.

The next part of the invoices window is how to sort invoices, as previously mentioned. Users can sort invoices in different ways. One of which is to Drag a column header to the grey area to sort the records. Column headers are such things as Addressed to, Status, etc.

Using this method a user can add more than one search parameter, shown below. The first sort was to sort by status, in this instance, there are many paid invoices so they were grouped together. However, when the location was then dragged into the grey section the invoices were then further split. Finally, the addressed to field was added to split the paid invoices by location and who they are invoiced to. To remove this search drag and drop the selections anywhere below the grey space.

Another way of sorting the invoices is by clicking on the column header. This will sort the invoices into ascending order on the first click and descending order on the next click. Using this method you can only sort one column at a time, wherein the first one you could sort multiple columns. A user can tell what column(s) are being sorted by the arrow on the column header. When it is an up arrow it is sorted in ascending order and down signifies a descending order sort.

A big advantage of using the invoices section is to email invoice reminders or print off invoices, for example, you are wanting to print off all the unpaid invoices for this month. Rather than going into each patient or group separately to print off the invoices, you can come into this section, enter the relevant search details and click on the top invoice, hold shift on your keyboard and click on the last invoice. This will highlight all the invoices, right click and select Invoice(s). This will print out all the invoices you have selected.

Alternatively, you can print invoices with a reminder letter, or the letters without the invoice.

If you would prefer to email your unpaid invoices you can use the same steps above but instead select Email and then Invoice reminder this will email all the invoices to the relevant person/s. TM2 will notify the user if the person the invoice is being emailed to has no email address.