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TM2/TM3 Online - Order Complete - Whats Next?


This article relates to both the TM2 and TM3 versions of the Online Service

This article assumes that you have had confirmation that your TM2/TM3 Online Bookings service has been completed. If you wish to be set up with this module please contact the TM2/TM3 Sales Department via one of the mediums below;

How do I access the website?

You should have received the URL (link) to the website in the confirmation however it can also be found via TM2/TM3. Under the Admin section (left side of TM2/TM3) you will have a Pronto Settings area, click on this;

On the next screen select the Online Bookings option followed by the More tab. You will see a screen similar to the one below;

The URL area shows the link to your bookings page. You cannot change this, however, we may be able to adjust it for you. To inquire about this contract the Pronto Team.

Fig 1 - Online Settings.

How can I add this to my website?

You may need to contact whoever maintains your business website to add a reference to this "bookings" element. Many clients use a "Click here to book online" button. This procedure is external to TM2/TM3 and all that you should need to provide is the URL from the previous step.

How will I know a booking has been made?

You will receive an email with the appointment details as well as the appointment being booked into your TM2/TM3 Diary in the same way a normal appointment would appear. A Pronto appointment will appear a little different from a "normal" appointment booked by a TM2/TM3 user. See below for a comparison. The top appointment is booked via Pronto, notice the additional globe symbol.

Fig 2 - Pronto appointment above a "normal" appointment.

What are "Restricted" appointments?

Restricted appointments are reservations for appointments. These placeholders are designed to allow referrers to "hold" a space on the Diary while they complete the booking. This prevents the time being used by another referrer or a TM2/TM3 user. The appointment should change to a confirmed appointment when the booking process has been completed and appear as shown in Fig 2. It is possible that these reservations will NOT change to an appointment, this will happen if the original time is changed during the process. Imagine a client who requests 9am but at the last moment wants to change it to 9am the next day, the original reservation will stay on the Diary until our process clears it. Our clearing process runs each 30 minutes and clears appointments older than 10 minutes. The 10 minutes is to allow time for the booking to complete. This means, its possible for a placeholder/reservation to be on your Diary for a maximum of 40 minutes. It is important you allow these events to be deleted by the system to ensure accuracy.

See below for an example of this scenario.

Fig 3 - "Restricted" Appointment.

Provisional Patients

When a patient is booked into TM2/TM3 from a referral source they are marked as a Provisional. A Provisional patient needs to be "made real" before their appointments can be actioned or their details (name, address) can be viewed or adjusted. Marking a client as Provisional allows you to have control and ensure maximum data consistency. A Provisional Patient can either be Made Real, Merged with another record or Discarded.

Fig 4 - Provisional Appointment.

To action, a Provisional Patient see the What is a provisional appointment? article.

How can I access the settings?

On the Pronto Settings select drop-down on the top right of the page and select the desired settings area. Settings applied to "Pronto" will translate into the Online and Reception areas (if you have these products).

Fig 5 Pronto Settings.

Booking and Cancellation Notifications

Email alerts corresponding to these events are sent to the address stored in the Pronto settings, see above for how to access this. Emails are also sent to the Practitioner provided they have an email address within their details in TM2/TM3.

Fig 6 - Email and Text settings.

How do I check or set the correct charges?

This is controlled via the Services section of the Pronto Settings. The prices will NOT be shown in Pronto Settings, you will need to check/adjust these by changing the charge via the Online Charges tab of the Stock items area in TM2/TM3 found under Practice > Stock. You edit these via a double-click to open followed by the Update button to confirm changes. The "link" is based on the name/description of the charge. So where you see "Initial Assessment" used in the Pronto settings it is the aptly named item in the Online Charges list you need to edit. If you have created items with the same name/description you may have difficulty finding the correct item to change and in such cases, you should contact the Pronto Helpdesk. See Services for more information.

Fig 7 Online Charges.

How do I adjust appointments on a Location and or Practitioner basis?

Its possible to have different changes or durations for appointments depending on the Location or the Practitioner the event is booked with. This is useful for a common scenario whereby a more experienced Practitioner is more expensive. Again, this is controlled via the Services section of the Pronto Settings, look for the section that details the Advanced tab.

Yes, this is added via the More tab on the Patient Portal Settings.

Fig 8 - Logo upload.

Can I change the colours?

There are a number of colour schemes that can be selected. Unfortunately, the selections are limited to this list, you cannot add additional designs. This again is found on the More tab on the Patient Portal Settings.

Fig 7 - Colour selection.

Can I offer more services?

You can currently only offer items that are on the Musculoskeletal Network. The ability to offer more services that you can create will be available soon. You are free to add/remove services within the MSK Network. To add new items see the Services area.

Can I omit certain Practitioners from selection by patients?

Yes, see the Practitioners section of Services. Simply un-tick / tick the names as needed. If names are not appearing here that you would expect to contact the Pronto Team. You can also omit certain Practitioners from specific Disciplines, for example, you may wish to have all Sports Massage treatments provided by a set of individuals.

Can I omit certain Locations from selection by patients?

As above, just select the Locations tab.

Fig 9 - Locations.

Can I make a test booking?

You can however as the system is live you would have the appointment appear in the TM2/TM3 Diary appearing real. We have detailed the patient journey on our TM2/TM3 Online Booking Example page.

Can I change the times provided as available?

This is controlled via the "Online" aspect of the Practitioners sessions (working hours). You can see how this is set and thus changed via the Setting up Practitioner Sessions page.

"You have exceeded your appointment limit"

If a client reports this message it means they already have the maximum booked appointments that you have set to allow. This is to prevent clients from bookings too many appointments and occupying multiple spaces on your Dairy.

The setting can be controlled by accessing the Pronto Settings and selecting Online Bookings;

Setting this to 2 would allow the client to have two booked appointments open at a time, 3 would allow 3 and so on.