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Creating a Location


This article relates to both the TM2 and TM3 versions of the desktop software.

This guide will show you how to create a location within TM2.

Creating a Location

You are able to create locations within TM2 that store your location details and allow you to assign these details to stock items, patients, appointments etc.

To do this

  1. Go to Practice - Locations
  2. You will see 'Overwrite this Location' as default
  3. Double-Click record
  4. Enter Location Information

Setting a Location to Not in Use

You are able to disable a Location if you no longer need it to be active within TM2.

To do this

  1. Go to Practice - Locations
  2. Double-Click on Record
  3. Select Status

You will have two options to choose from.

Read Only

This option will keep all information pertaining to the clinic available within TM2 but will not allow you to work with the record further as all of the data will be made Read Only.


This option will hide the entire location and its data from TM2. Please note you will not be able to delete the location completely from TM2 as you may have links to previous appointments, invoices, billing items etc.