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Additional user options


This article relates to both the TM2 and TM3 versions of the desktop software.

This guide will show you additional user options for Users.

Deactivating a User

You are able to deactivate a user within TM2 if you are no longer making use of the username.

To do this

  1. Go to Admin - Users
  2. Double-Click on the User Record
  3. Uncheck the Current box
  4. Press Update

The user will now be deactivated within the system.


You will not be able to delete the username as it may be deleted to historical records.

Changing a User Password

You are able to change your password within TM2.

To do this

  1. Go to Tools - Change Password
  2. Enter your old Password
  3. Enter a New Password
  4. Confirm Password
  5. Press OK

The password will now be changed; you will need to use this password the next time you log in to TM2.